BrainTrain Kids Pick It!

4.6 ( 396 ratings )
Vývojář: BrainTrain Inc.

• Four educational games that help kids (ages 6-8) develop reading comprehension
• Fill in the blank with the word that makes sense in the sentence
• Automatically adjusts difficulty level
• Colorful graphics and lively music make this game fun to play
• Kid-safe: No third party ads or tracking
• Try it for FREE and get access to all sentence groups via in-app purchasing

Let the BrainTrain Kids games help develop your childs reading comprehension skills. Children, ages 6 to 8, will go to the farm as they have fun playing and learning. All BrainTrain Kids games are specially created to help children practice cognitive abilities important in school and life.

Games automatically increment to the next sentence group after the child has mastered the current group twice. Children will work on thinking speed as they are directed to respond faster and faster. Additionally, you retain control and can adjust the sentence groups yourself.

Check out our other products to further train your kid’s brain:
• BrainTrain Kids Group It!
• BrainTrain Kids ABC Games
• BrainTrain Kids Numbers Rock!
• BrainTrain Kids Word Right!
• BrainTrain Kids Recall It!